How Amish Garden Lighthouses Are Built
Today we take you behind the scenes to discover how a garden lighthouse is built by our Amish craftsmen.
Amish Manufacturing Today
At Home Family Business
Until more recent years many of the Amish manufacturing facilities were located on the homestead, allowing all family members to contribute to the success of the family business. The time a father spends working alongside his children is priceless. It is during this time of daily interaction that both life and trade skills are passed from one generation to the next. This traditional apprentice relationship has produced many a master craftsman.
In recent years more and more Amish are seeking employment off the farm. In some Amish communities more than 80 percent now work in factories or small businesses. Larger settlements often boast hundreds of Amish-owned enterprises, a number of which are not located on the homestead.
Our "Behind the Scenes Tour" will visit Beaver Dam Woodworks, a traditional Amish Family Business which is located on the homestead. Beaver Dam is a wholesale only business that is owned and operated by the Kauffman family.

Off-grid Manufacturing
In an attempt to live a simple, separated lifestyle Amish faith and practice limits reliance on electricity to selective "off-grid" use. Manufacturing facilities are often constructed with large windows and skylights to enhance visibility. Gas lights are installed to provide optimum light where necessary.
Diesel generators are located on site to power an array of air, hydraulic, and electric tools. rechargable battery banks are also utilized to cut down on runtime for the generator.
Innovative Processes & Techniques
Do not assume that a simple lifestyle is synonymous with antiquated manufacturing techniques. While the Amish have chosen to forgo modern advancements that threaten their culture, they are not out of step with modern manufacturing practices and cutting edge technology.
In fact in a quest for humble excellence Amish manufacturers often implement balance between the proven methods of the past, and pursuit of modern innovation. The result is the premium quality product Amish craftsmen are know for.

High-grade Material

Amish Craftsmen

Premium Quality
Building An Amish Crafted Garden Lighthouse

Design Matters
Building a premium quality garden lighthouse begins with a flawless design. Design mistakes contribute to:
A disproportionate appearance
Higher price point
Rot & decay
Subpar quality
A shorter lifespan
Design plays vital part in delivering value to the customer.
The Foundation for Quality
The second and arguably the most important step to building a premier Amish crafted garden lighthouse is purchasing quality materials. Amos Kauffman founder of Beaver Dam Woodworks seeks to purchase premium quality materials to ensure the end consumer is getting value for their dollars spent.
The decision to purchase high grade materials predetermines a Beaver Dam Garden Lighthouse will not be the cheapest available. Simple math reveals you can’t pay more for high grade materials and sell the finished product for less than those of inferior quality.
By enlarge, consumers understand there is a difference between the cheapest and the best value available. It is the goal at Beaver Dam Woodworks to build the best garden lighthouse available at a value price point.
The old adage: “What goes in will come out” applies here. While many flaws can be concealed, even a master craftsman cannot raise the quality of a product above that of the raw materials he was given to work with. The foundation of quality resides in the quality of the materials used during the building process.
The Kauffman Family purchases quality raw materials in large quantities to obtain volume pricing. This business practice helps to keep the retail price down, building value into a quality product for the customer.

The Precision Cut Difference
First lumber is cut to length, then a jig is used precision cut bevels and angles. Afterwhich an assortment of hand tools, a router, a jointer, and/or sander is used to shape components till they mesh to form water tight joints.
While a skilled craftsman cutting lumber with a handsaw may be a novel idea, it isnt practical. Todays power tools in the hands of a skilled craftsman produce precision cuts that far exceed the capabilities of the best master craftsmen of the bygone era.
Assembling A Garden Lighthouse
When all the pieces have been cut, and shaped air nailers and screw guns are used for assembling the components of the lighthouse. Each panel must be perfectly aligned with those beside it to keep moisture out. All fasteners are stainless steel to prevent rust.

The Finishing Room
Wood lighthouses and lawn decor items are given several coats of exterior grade paint to seal out any moisture that a driving storm may try to force inside. This is done in a spray booth to ensure an even, protective coat is applied to all exposed surfaces. After several coats of finish are applied, the lighthouses and parts are stacked to dry.
Poly lighthouses get to bypass the finishing room since no sealer or paint is necessary on poly lumber.
Final Assembly
After the paint is cured it is time to fasten decorative windows and doors with a Brad Nailer. The roof finial will be inserted into the roof and secured. Plexiglass panes are inserted and secured in the lighthouse top along with the customers choice of lighting option.
The garden lighthouse is now ready for a final inspection before it is prepared for shipping.

Packing for Shipping
Lighthouses are wrapped in several layers of shrink wrap to protect the finish during shipping. The roof and top on larger models is wrapped separately and placed inside the lighthouse tower for protection during the shipping process. A piece of plywood is secured to the bottom of the lighthouse to keep the roof and/or top secure inside the tower, while also keeping the lighthouse in the center of the shipping box to prevent damage from blows administered to the side of the carton during shipping.
The lighthouse is now ready to head down the elevator to the shipping department. Lighthouses are packed in shipping cartons and labeled for UPS to deliver. Larger models are shipped via Freight carriers.
Sorry we couldn't show you the entire process without giving away trade secrets. We hope you enjoyed what we could show you and will consider one of our premier quality garden lighthouses for your dock or lawn.